2020年5月18日 星期一

凱爾·巴斯 Kyle Bass : 香港前景坎坷﹐從此再沒有運行

Kyle Bass Blasts China's "Most Lying, Coercive, Manipulative Government" For "Knowingly Infecting The World" ; And why is Hong Kong’s situation particularly perilous?  Sat, 04/18/2020

美國對沖基金Hayman Capital創辦人凱爾·巴斯 Kyle Bass : 中共是世上最獨裁﹐最狡猾的政權﹐有意識地把病疫散播全球﹔香港前景坎坷﹐從此再沒有運行﹐昔日的繁華一去不返

…… 被問到香港將要面對的問題﹐Kyle Bass 認為香港的經濟已是無藥可救﹐因為香港的經濟太過貢桿化太過依賴地產。香港的房地產價格是全球最高的。香港銀行的資產負債是香港GDP850%。當經濟突然下滑﹐後果不難語計。香港的金融和銀行體系會出現最可怕的災難﹐比任何地方和任何過去的例子都更嚴重。這個銀行災難會在今年發生。即使武漢疫情得以解決﹐香港的銀行災難都不可以避免。香港的好日子已一去不返。

…… 至於中共國﹐他也不樂觀﹐因為中共國的經濟也是高度貢桿化﹐他們銀行的資產負債是GDP 350%。這是極度貢桿化的。
美國的銀行的資產負債只是美國GDP1.3倍﹐比香港的8.5倍﹐和中共國的3.5 倍為低。

…… So you can’t take an economy that’s 850% levered of GDP in the banks and turn it off, which is what’s happening. 
Mr. Jekielek: Kyle, I’ve been speaking with a number of friends in Hong Kong about this. People are deeply worried, including US lawmakers. There has been an outpour of support from the west for Hong Kong. But how can Hong Kong even be helped in this situation? It is a big question mark in people’s minds. What can policymakers in the West do to help this? Or is there anything?

Mr. Bass: The die is cast. The pattern is set. They took on entirely too much leverage. Two of the largest banks in Hong Kong are two British banks with essentially no British depositors and their bankruptcy remote subsidiaries in Hong Kong. I think the die is cast. You can’t lever an economy that much. You can’t have real estate values at astronomical prices, and then all of a sudden turn the economy. You know what happens next, everyone knows what happens next. It doesn’t take a genius to know that they are going to have one of the ugliest banking crises that has ever happened to any country anywhere in the world. That is going to happen this year. Even if we come back from the Wuhan virus in the next few months, Hong Kong is already finished.

So if the good people of Hong Kong have fought the good fight, for those that can leave, I think they should leave. I think that you and I both know the Chinese surveillance state is going to be reviewing all the videos of the protests, and they’re just going to summarily incarcerate people and rip their liberties away from them. Hong Kong is just going to become another failed city within China. That is what’s going to happen. And it is going to happen 27 years too early. We know the people that are going to execute it. I know that is a grim view, but I can’t see another way out of this for Hong Kong. There are 85,000 US citizens and 200,000 British citizens that live in Hong Kong. You can bet this summer that they are all going to leave.
…… Their banking system is 350% of their GDP. They are uber-levered. The leverage in their banks against real estate in tier one and tier two cities in China is enormous. They are going to have a crisis just like we are. The difference between crisis within China versus crisis out of China is that in China, they control everything. How many times have you heard? They are just China. They do what they want.
…… Internally, they print more RMB than any economy prints money anywhere in the world. They control the printing press, they control the police, they control the narrative, and they control the government. So internally, they can fix things by printing a lot of their money. Again, that makes their money worth a lot less when and if it ever converts to dollars, euros, yen or pounds.
……. So just imagine that our banks are one times levered to our economy. And off balance sheet if you include Fannie and Freddie, it’s about 1.3 times. China is 3.5 times levered, and Hong Kong is 8.5 times levered. Just think about the negative convexity of those two situations. They have got their hands full. They have 25 spinning plates, and when one plate drops, they’re all gonna drop.