網上有位朋友寫了篇很有意思的文章﹐分析和解讀這個2010年8月發生的大十字天象(Cardinal Grand Cross)的深層意義,及它對我們有什麼深遠的影響。以下我翻譯了幾段給各位分享。以下我翻譯了幾段給各位分享。
The ruling elites will not last long when citizens start to withhold not only tax revenues and other physical tributes, but the spiritual currency of allegiance and respect. This will inevitably happen as more people come to see that over-empowered institutions are the only animals having the qualities of both predator and parasite, and must now be removed from the masters' roles they have arrogated, and put back in the service role that they may legitimately aim to play.
We'll have perceived that our heaviest codependent relationships are not with our mates, our families or our friends, but with institutions of authority who can keep holding power over us only for as long as we continue to enable them. Once we make it clear to churches, governments and corporations that we will no longer empower them as vampires who get to suck away our money, vitality and joy, then they will fade for lack of food and devotion.
These institutions won't disappear, because there are still legitimate economic needs to be met and administrative tasks to be handled. Roads must be repaired and snow cleared by those who are here to serve the people, not try to own them… But the old power institutions themselves will become less and less central to our lives. In the end they'll be like miniature golf courses or drive-in movie lots out on the edge of town. Most of the people who once inhabited them will have moved on to seek employment of a truly useful nature.
The prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said that the three most wretched men are a king out of power, a rich man now penniless and a learned man laughed at. We'll see all three of these in a whole midsummer menu of vulnerable characters in motion. As they navigate the transition from VIP to DIP (Dangerously Indignant Person), they should be given enough room to swing their arms and try to call attention to themselves
Why have we had so many dictators in the 85 years since Mussolini took power? One reason dictators began to proliferate when they did is that in the 1920's the new technology of radio could broadcast a few chosen voices to audiences of millions, while taking away the voices of all the others. The listeners, now dispersed among their homes rather than gathered in one place, where their presence and pressure could influence a town meeting or a live speech, became a silent, unseen abstraction, no longer a real live force to be reckoned with.
Osho pegged all this helplessness decades ago. "All the dictators in the world," he said, "are created by us because we want someone else to tell us what to do. There is a very subtle reason for it: when you are told by somebody else what to do, you don't have any responsibility for whether it is right or wrong. You are free of responsibility; you don't have to think about it; you don't have to be worried about it. The whole responsibility goes to the person who is giving you the orders to do something. . . . [People are] always looking to the politicians, looking to the priest; looking to neurotic-type people who proclaim themselves prophets, the sons of God, messengers of God."
印度智者Osho早已導出這個道理。“這世上所有的獨裁者都是我們塑造出來的﹐皆因我們都希望有人來帶領著我們走路。理由就是我們不願意承擔自己所作的決定﹐寧可由別人來承擔。無需自己來判別對與錯﹐道德和責任都一齊移到領導者身上 。。。 人們永遠都是望向政客﹐宗教領袖﹐和一些自稱是神的特使的神經漢﹐懇求他們來帶領著。
It could be, for all we know, that the whole point of the great Crosses of Summer 2010 is to open us to the startling and scary possibility that it is time to put dictators behind us, even to overcome our addiction to leaders and take up the Aquarian challenge to be responsible in ways we have not yet imagined.