2021年2月26日 星期五



US COVID Cases Tumble Across The West & South  (2021-01-27)



近期﹐尤其是自從拜登上任﹐我們頻頻發現一些人(包括總統首席醫療顧問Dr. Fauci)走出來宣佈抗疫努力獲得了明顯的成功﹐感染個案從此下降。甚至華爾街﹐美銀﹐昨天也出來加把聲﹐宣佈『武肺危機開始進入尾聲』。醫院公佈的數據也配合這個論調﹐說因武肺入院人數驟降。


武肺疫情何時見了頂﹖大概就是拜登行入白宮那一天吧 !

In the last few days - really since the BIden inauguration - we have seen declarations of victory over covid across the board, from the likes of Dr. Fauci who yesterday said that coronavirus infections may be about to hit a "plateau", to Wall Street, where Bank of America yesterday declared "The Beginning Of The End Of The COVID Crisis." Then, last week, we asked if it was "almost over" when the US saw a record one-day drop in covid hospitalizations.

Today, we got further confirmation that the inauguration of Biden was magically just the event that was needed to put covid in the rear-view mirror: as Bloomberg reports, almost every state in the West reported cases falling or flat Tuesday, and every region in the US has seen its seven-day average drop at least 20% since Jan. 12.

When was the peak day? Why just around the day Joe Biden walked into the White House.