2021年2月7日 星期日

習總書記以為可以奚落一個即將落任的美國黑人總統 !

Humiliation in China shows global disdain for Obama (The Orlando Sentinel (2016-9-10)

中國冷待到訪的奧巴馬總統。他受到中國領導的公然侮辱 !



2016年9月3日,美國總統奧巴馬(Barack Obama)在抵達杭州蕭山國際機場後,從空軍一號機後部落機,參加G20領導人峰會。

美國總統乘坐空軍一號,威威風風等候著陸,然後大步從活動樓梯下來,再踏上紅地毯邁向等待歡迎他的人員。可惜沒有活動樓梯等候他。 正如一位中國專家很不禮貌地形容說,奧巴馬總統被迫通過飛機的 “屁股” 離開飛機。

如果中國人不是發明外交禮議,那麼他們起碼是在這個領域上最有研究的高手。 他們在這方面已經有4000年的經驗。 他們是每個朝貢手勢,禮儀的每一個細微都熟練掌握的。 所以活動樓梯沒有為奧巴馬準備好,絕非偶然或疏忽,而肯定是悉心安排的。除了奧巴馬以外,G20 峰會的其餘國家元首,沒有一位像奧巴馬一樣遇上這個尷尬場面。

整個過程是基於誤會,或是刻意落奧巴馬的面,我們不得而知。但確實中國官方沒有表示遺憾,當然也沒有說一句道歉。 相反,他們竟然責罵媒體小題大做。

這裡沒有什麼驚奇。 中國誇張的粗魯無禮對待奧巴馬,是完全反映了世界對奧巴馬總統不滿,因為他常常發表言論,要求各國必須遵守一些普世價值,和已簽署了的國際承諾。

華人一般有很強烈的膚色歧視。中共也不例外﹐雖然與亞非拉國家稱兄道弟﹐但就很鄙視黑人以及深膚色人種﹐所以習總書記不屑與奧巴馬交往﹐反而重視與奧巴馬的兩個白人下屬的關係: 國務卿希拉里﹐和副總統拜登。這是一種對奧巴馬的侮辱。難怪奧巴馬今天要向習總書記還個顏色。新上任的國防部長竟然是一位黑人﹐對中共立場強硬﹐亦主張奧巴馬提倡的『美國從返亞太』策略。真是世事輪流轉!


有仇不報非君子 ! 習總書記以為奚落一個即將落任的美國黑人總統是沒有代價 ! 他當時沒有預料到這個被他侮辱的黑人﹐竟然還有復仇的一天 !

The president of the United States lands with all the majesty of Air Force One, waiting to exit the front door and stride down the rolling staircase to the red-carpeted tarmac. Except that there is no rolling staircase. He is forced to exit — as one China expert put it rather undiplomatically — through "the ass" of the plane.

This happened last Saturday at Hangzhou airport. Yes, in China. If the Chinese didn't invent diplomatic protocol, they surely are its most venerable and experienced practitioners. They've been at it for 4,000 years. They are the masters of every tributary gesture, every nuance of hierarchical ritual. In a land so exquisitely sensitive to protocol, rolling staircases don't just disappear at arrival ceremonies. Indeed, not one of the other G-20 world leaders was left stranded on his plane upon arrival.

Did President Xi Jinping directly order airport personnel and diplomatic functionaries to deny Barack Obama a proper welcome? Who knows? But the message, whether intentional or not, wasn't very subtle. The authorities expressed no regret, no remorse and certainly no apology. On the contrary, they scolded the press for even reporting the snub.

No surprise. China's ostentatious rudeness was perfectly reflective of the world's general disdain for President Obama. His high-minded lectures about global norms and demands that others live up to their "international obligations" are no longer amusing. They're irritating......