2021年2月14日 星期日

" 非猶太裔的人生出來就是為以色列效勞。他們並無其他的用處 "

Ovadia Yesef 是故的以色列大教士Chief Rabbi。他曾是數位前以色列總理﹐包括現任的納坦瓦胡總理的精神顧問。他過身時﹐被紐約時報和各大猶太報章譽為『最受愛戴的教士』。以下是他於2001年的講道﹐於2010年再次發表 : "非猶太裔的人Goyim生出來就是為我們效勞﹐為以色列效勞。他們並無其他的用。"

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, in his own words - The Christian Science Monitor


Ovadia Yesef was Israel's Chief Rabbi, and spiritual adviser to several Isreali prime ministers, including the present prime minister Natanyahu. At his death, acclaimed as the "the beloved rabbi in Judaism by the New York Times and the Jewish Press. The quote below is taken from Sermons givens by him in 2001, and repeated in 2010. These sermons are available on Youtube :

"Goyim were born to serve us. Wiyhout that, they have no place in the world - only to serve the people of Isreal. Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an  effendi and eat. That is why gentiles are created."