Israel Cracks the Whip Netanyahu tells Biden how to deal with Iran - Philip Giraldi (2021-02-02)
若果還有人堅持認為美國不是以色列飼養的貴婦狗﹐他們應該注意現在正在發生的荒唐劇。 新任總統拜登還未坐暖他的白宮椅子﹐以色列總理內塔尼亞胡 Benjamin Netanyahu 已宣布,他很快將派以色列情報機構 Mossad 的主管 Yossi Cohen 到華府。他將於2月飛往華盛頓,召見拜登向他表明新政府對伊朗應該採取『正確』的政策。
以色列的傲慢真是無止境。 以色列的一位主要猶太教教士預測,隨著美國的衰落,以色列應當承擔起“指導人類文明向前走”的角色。
對於以色列而言,與伊朗打交道的正確政策﹐就是有效解除其武裝,並使其不可能在與它相鄰的國家(包括伊拉克,敘利亞和黎巴嫩)建立任何勢力範圍。 那將是讓以色列在整個地區佔主導地位。如果伊朗不願意接受這個安排,以色列的下一步將是說服美國以一些藉口攻打它,或許包括以色列製造某種 “虛假事端” 將攻打伊朗合法化。
Anyone who persists in believing that the United States is not Israel’s poodle should pay attention to the comedy that is playing out right now. Joe Biden was president for less than a week when the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu government announced that he would soon be receiving a possibly unwelcome visitor in the form of the Israeli foreign intelligence service Mossad’s chief Yossi Cohen, who will be flying to Washington in February to explain the correct policy when dealing with Iran.
There is no limit to Israeli hubris. A leading Rabbi in Israel is predicting that as the United States is in decline it is up to the Jewish state to take over the role of “guiding civilization forward.”
For Israel the correct policy for dealing with Iran is to effectively disarm it and make it impossible to establish any sphere of influence in the countries adjacent to it, to include Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. That would be to concede Israeli dominance over the entire region and if the Iranians do not play ball the next step would be to convince the United States to attack it on some pretext, possibly to include an Israeli “false flag” to start the process going.