Bulava Missile Enters Service with Russian Navy最新型號的Bulava導彈在俄羅斯海軍投入了服務
俄海軍計劃把Bulava洲際導彈投入其 Borei級核子戰略潛艇服務。俄海軍於2021年會有八艘此號的潛艇。每一艘Borei級潛艇可攜帶16枚Bulava導彈。每一枚導彈有六至十個獨立航行的150公噸爆炸力的彈頭,而每個彈頭再可以攜帶10至40個誘餌彈頭。以八艘潛艇計算,俄海軍可攜帶合共128枚洲際戰略導彈,即1280個獨立飛行核子彈頭。
滿載彈頭的 Bulava型號導彈的射程超過8,300公里,由人造衛星和天文慣性制
astro-inertial with the GLONASS satellite navigation system 導航系統。命中目標精準度達120至350米。
Bulava的火箭分三個階段。第一階段是以極音速(23倍音速)發射。最後的階段是依靠每個獨立彈頭自己的推動器,能夠以自行更改的軌跡,和可以採用不規則的飛行形態Moves in a series S -shape curves to evade enemies
anti- air strike missiles。因此,敵方若要攔截會是極之艱難。
Borei級潛艇可以在潛航的狀態下發射 Bulava導彈。即使潛艇在北極冰塊下航行,也可以在冰塊下先發射普通炸彈把冰塊破碎,然後再發射Bulava導彈。相對以前的型號,Borei級潛艇是一大改良。此級潛艇的另一個優勢是其隱形能力,和潛航的持續能力。Borei級潛艇可以在450米水深下,持續航行三個月。
U.S. & NATO are in shock!They didn't expect this from Russia!
U.S. & NATO are in shock!They didn't expect this from Russia!
full-range (over 10,000 km (6,000 mi))
full-range (over 10,000 km (6,000 mi))
14-19 1.15 ton maneuverable, hypersonic warheads and/or up to 40 decoys
Each Borei class submarine can carry 16 missiles.
Improved Borei class submarines, that are currently under construction, will
carry 20 of these missiles
Moves in a series S -shape curves to evade enemies
anti- air strike missiles.
Once launched it travels to the space in the Speed of
Mach 23+ . Its size and speed makes it hard
to target. It's also hard to judge its target and intersect it before.