2021年1月27日 星期三

特赦斯諾登, 阿桑奇 : 特朗普還有時間做一件正確和有正義的事


Snowden And Assange: There Is Still Time For Trump To Do The Right Thing - by Jacob G. Hornberger via The Mises Institute (2021-01-19)


特赦斯諾登, 阿桑奇 : 特朗普還有時間做一件正確 , 有正義的事

It is amazing to me that President Trump has pardoned some people who he considered heroic while continuing to leave Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, two genuine heroes, in the lurch...


Trump also pardoned another former Border Patrol agent, a man named Gary Brugman. He got convicted for brutally assaulting undocumented immigrants after they were already in captivity and behaving peacefully...

特朗普赦免了一名前邊境巡邏隊特工,名叫加里•布魯格曼。 在無證移民已經被制服之後,他仍然繼續把無反抗者殘酷地毆打。

He also pardoned Blackwater personnel. They were convicted of killing innocent Iraqis...

他又赦免了受聘於黑水公司的僱傭軍。 他們因殺害無辜伊拉克人而被定罪。

Now compare those people to Assange and Snowden, two men who have risked their lives, liberty, and well-being to disclose the truth about evil and immoral actions of the U.S. national-security establishment... 


Will Trump pardon these two genuine heroes? He might yet surprise me, but I doubt it because we can see from the people he has already pardoned that his values are warped and perverted.

特朗普會特赦這兩位真正的英雄嗎? 他可能還會作出令我感到驚喜的決擇,但我對此抱有懷疑,因為我們可以從他已經寬恕的人們那裡看到他被扭曲和歪曲的價值觀。

Comments 讀者留言 :

If Trump doesn't pardon Assange at the very least, then I will regret ever voting for this paper tiger President. He will have proven himself to be a true coward that was putting on a tough guy act.

如果特朗普至少不赦免阿桑奇,那麼我將後悔曾經投票支持這個紙老虎總統。 他將證明自己是個真正的膽小鬼,只在扮演硬漢。

Trump does not care about the same things you care about. He is not anti-globalist, he is a narcissist seeking validation through power, like so many other politicians.

特朗普不在乎我們所關心的事情。 他不是一個真的反全球主義者,而是像許多其他政客一樣,透過權力滿足自己權力欲的自戀者。

Trump pardon for Assange and Snowden is almost certainly not in the cards. Trump has done nothing but protect Israel & the imperial status quo the entire time he’s been in office.

特朗普赦免阿桑奇和斯諾登的可能性,可以說是幾乎接近零。 特朗普在上任期間沒有實制的建樹,只是保護以色列的利益,和維持帝國地位。

While people who committed war crimes are pardoned, the person that reported war crimes is still in jail. This is proof that Trump part of the swamp.

特朗普對犯有戰爭罪的人(黑石僱傭兵)予以赦免,但舉報戰爭罪的人反而仍在監獄中。 這證明特朗普是沼澤的一部分。

He played everyone who supported him. Why did he not take out Soros? Who did more damage to America, Bin Laden, Iran or Soros?

他玩弄了所有支持他的人。 為什麼他沒有對付索羅斯? 邊拉登,伊朗,還是索羅斯?是那一個真正對美國造成更大的傷害?

In hindsight Trump was a lot of talk. Could you imagine them pulling all this voter fraud and impeachment stuff against a president like Nixon or Truman? They would have signed the sedition act the night of the election and people would be disappearing faster than invasion of the body snatchers. Instead, Trump sent out tweets and hired a couple lawyers. Lawyers might work great in New York City when dealing with real estate but not in a highly divided presidential race and seemingly corrupt judicial system.

事後看來,特朗普只是個大嘴巴。 大家都很難想像民主黨,與其傳媒社交科網巨頭幫兇,若果今次進行的選舉舞弊,是發生於當年尼克松,或杜魯門等的總統身上,會有怎樣的後果? 這兩位前總統肯定當晚就簽署了反叛亂法,將這些叛徒立刻繩之於法。打房地產官司,聘請律師當然是適當的,但在一個拼得你死我活的總統大選超限戰上,和高度腐敗的司法體制下,打法律戰則絕對不適合。