2021年1月29日 星期五


"It Was All A Lie": Biden-Linked WHO Adviser Says COVID-19 'Likely' Leaked From Wuhan Lab SATURDAY, JAN 23, 2021

與拜登有關的世衛組織顧問Jamie Metzl 說:“世衛的解釋全是謊言”,COVID-19 “很可能” 是從武漢實驗室洩漏的



此前曾在克林頓總統和拜登(Joe Biden)領導下工作的一位世界衛生組織(WHO)顧問打破了對COVID-19大流行起源的沉默。

在拜登就職典禮三天後,曾擔任拜登(2001-2003)對外關係委員會副參謀長,之後曾在克林頓領導的國家安全委員會(1997-1999)和國務院(1999-2001)任職的Jamie Metzl 告訴《多倫多太陽報》,他認為COVID-19最有可能是武漢的實驗室意外洩漏。

出生於堪薩斯州,曾任職大西洋理事會高級研究員,又於2019年被任命為世衛組織人類基因組編輯專家諮詢委員會成員,的麥斯(Metzl)說 :“雖然沒有確鑿的證據,但就有越來越多的證據指出武漢肺炎是意外地從實驗室洩漏出來的。” 

問: “ 關於最初的推論,說此病毒源於武漢的濕貨市場,你又怎樣看呢?”

答: “這是一個謊言。 中國政府(中共政權)很早就知道那是謊言。 因此,面對去年五月的壓倒性證據,它就改變了立場。”

問: “ 關於病毒可能是在實驗室中產生的這個恐怖的可能性,你是否覺得有點科幻小說意味?” 答: “ 對一般人來說,這聽起來像是科幻小說,但正在發生的其實是科學。 有一個名為 “提升功能” 的研究領域。此是一個極具爭議性的研究,因為是研究把病毒的原本殺傷力增強。而我們知道武漢病毒研究所正是參與蝙蝠冠狀病毒功能的研究。”

問: “ 美國行政部門的變更(由拜登取代特朗普)會有助於找到答案嗎?”

答: “ 拜登在中國方面將比特朗普總統更強硬,因為拜登總統非常聰明和有戰略頭腦,他明白美國的實力不是依靠打口炮的,而是依靠原則,依靠夥伴關係,聯盟和問責制。”

如果在拜登就職典禮三天後,在民主黨總統領導下,在高層政府中擔任高級政府職務的大西洋理事會高級研究員,突然 “出櫃” 發表這個武漢實驗室洩漏理論,那麼是否意味官方的說法會有變更嗎?

A World Health Organization (WHO) adviser who previously worked under President Clinton and then-Senator Joe Biden has broken his silence over the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jamie Metzl - who served as Deputy Staff Director of the Foreign Relations Committee under Biden (2001-2003), after serving on the National Security Council (1997-1999) and the State Department (1999-2001) under Clinton, waited until three days after Biden's inauguration to tell the Toronto Sun that he thinks COVID-19 was most likely an accidental lab leak in Wuhan.

"There’s no irrefutable evidence," said the Kansas-born Metzl, a senior Atlantic Council fellow who was appointed to the WHO expert advisory committee on human genome editing in 2019. "There’s just more evidence and as more evidence arrives, the case for accidental lab leak, in my view, increases."

Q: “What about the original theory that this all started in a wet market in Wuhan?”

A: “That was a lie. And the Chinese government knew very early on that that was a lie. And so in the face of overwhelming evidence in May of last year, the Chinese government shifted its position.”

Q: “Do you get the idea of scary viruses being created in a lab may seem a little sci-fi?”

A: “It may feel like sci-fi to people but what’s happening is sci. There is a field of study called “gain of function” research, which is highly controversial in which some scientists amplify the virility of viruses. We know that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was involved in gain of function research on bat coronaviruses.”

Q: “Will a change of the U.S. administration help find an answer?”

A: “Biden will be tougher on China than President Trump because President Biden is very smart and strategic and he understands that American power and American strength doesn’t rest on bluster, it rests on principles, it rests on partnerships, and alliances and accountability.” 

 All of this begs a simple question; if a senior Atlantic Council fellow who operated at high levels of government under Democratic presidents is suddenly 'coming out' with the Wuhan lab leak theory, three days after Biden's inauguration, is the official narrative about to change?