2015年5月9日 星期六

Amos Yee (餘澎杉) : " 李光耀終於拉柴,屌佢老母 "


Lee Kwan Yeo is dead, finally. Why hasn't anyone said "fuck ya! The guy is dead! Lee Kwan Yeo was a horrible person!"? Because everyone is scared. Everyone is afraid that if they say something like that, they might get into trouble which, give Lee Kwan Yeo credit, that was primarily the impact of his "legacy". But I'm not afraid. So, if Lee Hsien Lung wishes to sue me, I will oblige, to dance with him. Come at me, mother fucker!

Lee Kwan Yeo, contrary to popular belief, was a horrible person and an awful leader to our country. He was a dictator, but managed to fool the rest of the world to think he was democratic, and he did so by still granting us the opportunity to vote, to make it seem like we have freedom of choice. However, during your rule, you control the entire media and education, proliferating nationalistic propaganda on a daily basis.

Like right now, since Lee Kwan Yeo is dead, you see all day twenty-four-hour news coverage of necrophiliacs sucking Lee Kwan Yeo's dick. And [they] place an excessive surplus of [his] books in popular bookstores. In most of his books, look at how he self-indugently plasters reams of pages  of these montage of pictures  of his experiences, like ouhh, look how much better I am compared  to you. And of course, he is absolutely notorious for suing people who criticised him, forcing them into jail, or leading them into bankruptcy.
And apparently, his thirst for suing is hereditary too, as he created an environment where his flaws as a leader were hidden, because most people are afraid of criticising him in fear of being found guilty by the judicial system that he controls. So everything that people hear is about how great Lee Kwan Yeo is. Of course he is able to deceive people into voting for him. Despite our voting rights, he is undoubtedly totalitarian.
Now, seeing what Lee Kwan Yeo has done, I'm sure some individuals who have done [similar] things come to mind, but I am going to compare him to someone that people have not really mentioned before : Jesus. And the aptness of that analogy is heightened,  seeing how christians are being big fans of him. They are bothe power-hungry and malicious.....