2021年6月7日 星期一

參議員 Rand Paul 宣布不會接種 COVID-19 疫苗

Rand Paul First Senator To Announce He Won't Get COVID-19 Vaccine - Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times (2021-05-23)

共和黨參議員Rand Paul宣布不會接種COVID-19疫苗


共和黨參議員蘭德·保羅(Rand Paul)本週末宣布,他將不會接受針對COVID-19的疫苗接種,並解釋說他去年已經感染了該病毒,因此已具有“天然免疫力”。

Senator Rand Paul announced this weekend that he will not get vaccinated against COVID-19, explaining that he already contracted the virus last year and has “natural immunity.”