Who And What Killed George Floyd? - by Pat Buchanan (2021-03-16)
誰是殺死黑命貴死者George Floyd的真兇 ?
最新驗屍報告顯示黑命貴死者George Floyd不是死於窒息﹐亦不是被拘捕他的警員壓喉致死。他的頸部肌肉沒有傷痕。他是死於心臟停頓。他的心臟脹大﹐動脈縮窄﹐其中一條動脈受到90%閉塞﹐另外有兩條動脈則有75%閉塞。解剖還發現他體內有大量殘餘的止痛劑 fentanyl 和 methamphetamine。
(*) fentanyl 在美國的主要來源是中共。
而這些止痛藥 fentanyl 主要是從中國進口。特朗普曾經嘗試限制輸入這些藥物﹐但是沒有成功。
An autopsy found heavy concentrations of fentanyl in Floyd’s system and traces of methamphetamines. .... Floyd’s death was not caused by the knee on his neck but by the battered condition of his heart, the near-lethal dose of fentanyl in his system, and his anxiety and panic at being arrested and fearing, as he wailed, that he was going to be shot.