The Karmic Nature of the Year of the Snake
Each year of the 12-year cycle of the Chinese Zodiac
is characterized by a particular animal. Of these, the Snake is particularly
ominous, because the snake is considered to be a karmic animal.
The year of the Snake is therefore considered to be
a time when problems come to a head, when unresolved issues require resolution,
when the Dialectic of Thesis and Antithesis give rise to a Synthesis.
Following is a list of some historical precedents.
As will be observed, the karmic effect of the year of the Snake will sometimes
spill over into the year of the Horse, e.g. 1953-1954, and 1989-1990.
Interestingly, the Russian October Revolution of 1917 was preceded by events in
the previous year of the Snake (12 years earlier).
Historical Precedents
"Panic of 1893" marked by collapse of railroad overbuilding
and shaky railroad financing, resulting in a series of bank failures
1905: Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 (Battle of Tsushima May 27) was responsible
for the 1905 Russian Revolution
1905: Russian Revolution , October 1905 General
Strike in Moscow / preceded by Bloody Sunday in St Petresberg January 9th
1917: Russian October Revolution
1929: Great Depression begins
1941: Japan attacks Pearl Harbour (Dec.7, 1941)