2021年1月28日 星期四


 Clinton & Pelosi Suggest Trump Was Following Putin's Orders To Allow Capitol Siege - by Steve Watson via Summit News,  (2021-01-19)

希拉里和佩洛西懷疑特朗普是遵循普京的命令,允許群眾包圍國會大廈,(希拉理) 建議要審查特朗普的電話記錄。

又係俄羅斯?由特朗普上任那一天起就被通俄門纏繞足三年多 (天真地以為拋棄彿林將軍就可以得到解圍),最後被證實全是由奧巴馬,希拉情報機構聯手虛構假造的。俄羅斯真是個萬應萬靈的假想敵阿!而隱形的真正敵人就可以無無阻進行蠶食。


In a conversation that sounds like two demented QAnon members, Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi suggested that President Trump instigated the Capitol siege at the behest of Vladimir Putin.

Hillary :  “I would love to see his phone records to see whether he was talking to Putin the day that the insurgents invaded our Capitol.”