2020年4月28日 星期二


懲罰中共,追討賠償,百國聯軍 !

的傀儡 (總幹事譚得塞博士) 認為全球應該效法中共的抗疫手
中共不可饒恕的罪行。西方人民要 (1) 防止政府把這些獨裁
措施常規化, 永久化 ; (2) 中共和追討賠償。

VIDEO :  Facts Based Prepping CVD2019 crisis management in China - Jose Martinez
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/aNdalwrYcJs" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/aNdalwrYcJs" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

This Video Shows How Far Those In Power Will Go To Maintain Control Of A Quarantine (2020-03-02)

Technology has made readily available information we never thought could be possible. This has allowed the shaping of our society in ways we never imagined.

Under severe circumstances, those in control will take extreme measures to keep it. This is, has been, and very likely will continue being a norm. Losing control is the worst nightmare for politicians. They know, that once public law enforcement organizations have been overrun, they will be targeted. Should they have their conscience clean, that wouldn´t happen. But in every society of the world, with the extremely few exceptions, the norm seems to be these politicians don´t have it so clean. Therefore, they will do whatever they have to do, to avoid losing their grip.

How is China maintaining control?
How is it possible that 1.5 billion people are kept under control so they don´t take over the status quo? It´s a mystery for me. But we never can underestimate how far the system can go, just to avoid that huge beast called “the masses” getting out of control.

Desperate authorities are dangerous.
Just think someday an outbreak makes its way here, and some sort of quarantine is enforced. What the heck am I going to do? Of course, I have some cans and water stored. A small couple of flashlights, and some other stuff. But I won´t be able to make it more than a week, and that is with luck.
What would happen if I have to defy the quarantine, get out the 7 blocks to the next supermarket, to buy some food (if there even is food left)…and a bunch of police throws me in a patrol car with other (possibly infected) guys?
If I never was exposed or contaminated, now I´m done. My only way to escape would be, to fight back (and with the risk they take my papers off me) and run. No one is going to get to look for me in any hospital or some other place. I would be on my own.

Do you see why I´m so concerned about this stuff? My brother-in-law is a really, really nice guy. I appreciate him a lot. I´m almost 20 years his senior but I see him as my (another) younger brother, indeed. He´s a simple man, a country boy now living in a huge city. I sent him the video and he said, immediately “Jose, this is serious. We will have to look for a place without so many people around! Your cottage would be the ideal place!! If you have some plan let me know.”